Xinput test unhandled exception accessviolationexception
Xinput test unhandled exception accessviolationexceptionxinput test unhandled exception accessviolationexception

If uninstalling WMC doesn't help, perhaps try reverting to a restore point from before you installed WMC. I guess the W10 WMC installer/script doesn't replace, register, symlink and/or set permissions properly for some critical files.

#Xinput test unhandled exception accessviolationexception 32 bit

Given that the 32 bit version of GraphStudio/GraphStudioNext also fails, it seems the problem may be related to the Windows WOW64 layer. To handle such an AccessViolationException exception, you should apply the HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute attribute to the method in which the exception is thrown. NET Framework 4, AccessViolationException exceptions thrown by the common language runtime are not handled by the catch statement in a structured exception handler if the exception occurs outside of the memory reserved by the common language runtime. NET 4 and newer system access violations aren't normally trapped: This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.Īt (IMoniker pMoniker, IBindCtx pCtx, String lpcwstrFilterName, IBaseFilter& ppFilter)Īt (DsDevice device)Īt ()Īt ()Īt (String args) Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. Tuner info: Device moniker display name is info: Device name is TBS 6281 DVBT/T2 Tuner A Processing ini parameter: ScanningFrequency=570000,8,MHEG5 Processing ini parameter: TuningFile=New Zealand.Auckland - Waiatarua.xml Processing ini parameter: Option=USEIMAGE,WMCIMPORT Loading collection parameter file from C:\ProgramData\Geekzone\EPG Collector\EPG Collector.ini = EPG Collector (Version 4.3 FP 1) =īase directory: c:\Program Files (x86)\Geekzone\EPG Collectorĭata directory: C:\ProgramData\Geekzone\EPG Collector

Xinput test unhandled exception accessviolationexception