Beneath the filters are separate amp and mod envelope sections, as well as LFOs – all with detailed yet easy-to-follow controls and dropdown preset menus – invaluable for calling up your favourite settings. There’s also MIDI learn available to assign any hardware to almost any control inside the interface. This is really useful, as it means no accidental altering of a parameter you’ve spent ages getting right. The filter controls can be locked by right-clicking on any parameter and choosing Lock. The synth engine has three switchable characters: Normal, Dirty and Clean, and after leaving the oscillators, signal passes to the two multimode filter sections. You can, of course, save section presets of your own too. This is something that’s being used more often in soft synths, and it’s great from a user perspective.

So it’s possible to call up a preset for any section rather than having to alter the whole instrument using a master preset. The osc sections, like most other parts of the synth, have dropdown menus attached that give you access to presets for each section. Oscillators can be set to mono, poly, duo or legato modes, with up to 16 voices of unison. At its heart are two oscillators, each with a sub oscillator and a full set of controls. Thanks to some clever workflow design, it’s rather easier to navigate and work with than an initial glance might suggest, and the colour scheme is easy on the eye.

Look and Feel Although the synth looks quite busy, it’s been designed to operate as far as possible in a single window to cut down on the need to open lots of separate sections.
#How to start u he hive for mac
It comes in all major formats for Mac and PC and will run on operating systems that have been more or less abandoned by most software, as well as the latest versions of Mac OS X and Windows.